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Banglore, Karnataka, India
I am an Software engineer doing my best to improve myself in order to grow my career well.

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happ Mother's Day

---Dedicated to greatest mom of  the day anywhere---

Some moms bake cookies and stay at home all day,
They are waiting inside when their kids come home from play.
I guess that just something that I wasn't mean to know,
Cause you are the kind of mom who's always on the go.

From the time I was little and then as I grew ,
I had run so fast and hard just to keep up with you.
Now I thank you Mama for showing me how to have fun,
You made work like play , but you always got it done.

Happy Mother's Day,
we bring smiles your ways We just want to show.
how much we really care Happy Mother's Day and,
We want to say You are the greatest mother anywhere.

How can I thank you for helping me,
Strive to be everything that I should be.
You led by example, you used humor too,
We lived a lifestyle we called "We can do".

So I feel I must state,
When it comes to mothers I think you are great.
I hope that I honor you in every way,
Because you are truly the queen of Mother's day.

Happy Mother's Day,
we bring smiles your ways We just want to show.
how much we really care Happy Mother's Day and,
We want to say You are the greatest mother anywhere....

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